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“Cards Against Humanity” Remotely

3 minute read

I am typing this for my friends who have responded to my call on social media for a good old fashioned game of (socially distant) Cards Against Humanity. Wha...

Steam Crashes When Launching in Linux Mint

2 minute read

I recently tried to launch Steam on my Linux Mint daily driver. A window popped up to check for updates and seemed to progress normally until it crashed. The...

How to Copy a Lot of Files With rsync

1 minute read

In order to add a new drive to my Linux desktop for a new /home partition, I needed to copy a lot of files to an external USB drive. The directory was large ...

Can’t Connect to Remote MongoDB

less than 1 minute read

If you have a brand new install of MongoDB on a remote server, and you’re trying to connect to it with MongoDB Compass but you keep getting the following err...

Hacking Windows 7 Professional Edition, SP2

3 minute read

Since taking the SANS SEC560 Network Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking course earlier this summer, I’ve spent most of my time studying for the GIAC Pen...